

Agropolis Park 102 - 3640 Kinrooi (GPS Vilgertenweg Zone 1 Groen Botel Harbour).

Our botel is docked at Maasplas De Spaanjerd in Kinrooi : a central spot in the RivierPark Maasvallei.

The map below will allow an easy planning of your route to our hotel.

Botel Harbour

Yana van der Schaft - Yentl Colla

Agropolis Park 102 3640 Kinrooi
Voor GPS geef kruising Venlosesteenweg/Vilgertenweg in - op het einde van de Vilgertenweg bij rotonde volg ZONE 1 (groene zone) tot nummer 102.

gsm B 00 32 (0)494-81 41 51

With public transport

Bus station Genk – line 45 to Maaseik – on-call bus (011-850300 – to be booked at least one hour in advance) 

General conditions

Renting of electrical boats! Relaxation guaranteed!
No boat licence or experience required.

Café for cyclists / Restaurant on the water.
Seasonal, local and honest (delicious) dishes. A trip through Limburg on your plate and in your glass. Taste, experience and enjoy!